In the Media

Evergreen College, The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Blog - Stormwater Management: Lessons from our Forests

Ecotrust Blog - Biomimicry and the Urban Greenprint SeedKit

Sightline - Stormwater Management: Lessons from our Forests

KEXP Radio Interview - Biomimicry & the Urban Greenprint:

Futurewise Newsletter - Nature's Advice: Learn from the Forest

TreeHugger Blog - The Urban Greenprint: Biomimicry Applied to a City

DJC Green Building Blog - What Nature can teach us about Sustainability

Climate Solutions Blog - The Urban Greenprint: Biomimicry Applied to a City.

Brightworks Sustainability Blog - Biomimicry Evolves From Concept to Concrete

Biophilic Cities Webinar, "The Promise of Biomimicry."